PSEi: 6810.11 pts
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Philippine Other Financial Institution stocks

**Note: You can sort by Symbol, Current Price %, 52-Week High %, and P/E by clicking the header.
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Symbol Name Current Price (%) Previous Close 52-Week High (%) 52-Week Low PE 2023 Cash Div (%)
COL COL Financial Group, Inc. 1.94 (0.00%) 1.94 2.3 (18.56%) 1.65 2.021 0.05 (2.58%)
FAF First Abacus Financial Holdings Corp. 0.69 (0.00%) 0.69 0.72 (4.35%) 0.55 230.00
FFI Filipino Fund, Inc. 5.62 (0.00%) 5.62 8.03 (42.88%) 3.6 729.87
I I-Remit, Inc. 0.26 (0.00%) 0.26 0.71 (173.08%) 0.2 28.571
MED MEDCO Holdings, Inc. 0.12 (0.00%) 0.12 0.244 (103.33%) 0.084
MFC Manulife Financial Corporation 1779 (2.24%) 1740 1780 (0.06%) 1000 16.451 1.46 (0.08%)
NRCP National Reinsurance Corp. of the Phils. 0.76 (-6.17%) 0.81 0.92 (21.05%) 0.335 10.27
PSE The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc 169.9 (-0.06%) 170 204 (20.07%) 167 20.396 10.00 (5.89%)
SLF Sun Life Financial, Inc. 3100 (0.00%) 3100 3300 (6.45%) 2500 17.965 3.75 (0.12%)
V Vantage Equities, Inc. 0.73 (0.00%) 0.73 0.96 (31.51%) 0.69 4.54
Sectors: Bank | Casino and Gaming | Chemical and Industrial | Construction | Consumer | Education | Exchange Traded Funds | Holding Company | Hotel and Leisure | Information Technology | Media | Mining and Oil | Power and Water | Preferred | Property | Retail | Transportation Services | Other Financial Institution | Other Services
